The standard investor strategy is to sell stocks on the rise, making a profit. Not all traders make...
Stock Pairs Screener and Portfolio Analysis Tools
Unlimited Data Research & Opportunities
- Database of more than 4,000,000 pairs
- Daily updated Spread (OLS) history: 1, 3, 10 years
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- Online cointegration analyzer

Advanced Pairs Screener
Seek consistent profits regardless of market direction Use hedged positions to protect from a market crash
Long/Short Portfolio
Create, backtest and generate trade signals from your own custom long/short portfolio
Advanced Tools For Researching Investment Opportunities
Pairs Trade is a market-neutral strategies involve long and short positions in two different securities with a positive correlation. The two offsetting positions form the basis for a hedging strategy that seeks to benefit from either a positive or negative trend.
Powerful Screener
Watch List & Signals
Portfolio Analyzer
Strategy Tester
Get The Best Trading Pairs Free Book For Free!
Pairs Trading: Quantitative Methods and Analysis
Author: Ganapathy Vidyamurthy
The first in-depth analysis of pairs trading.
Pairs trading is a market-neutral strategy in its most simple form. The strategy involves being long (or bullish) one asset and short (or bearish) another. If properly performed, the investor will gain if the market rises or falls.
Subscribe for the 3-month Pair Trading Expert Mode and get the $78 book for free!

How It Works
We have found a way to provide traders and investors with an easy-to-manage system with complex calculation algorithms
Analyze Pairs
Manage Portfolio
Watch Changes
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Fully dedicated to finding profitable investments
- Convenient and adaptive interface for computers and mobile phones
- Simplified and intuitive analysis tool
- Instant complex math calculations
- Telegram notifications with personal settings
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content.
- Cointegrated pairs - 10
- Spread history (OLS): 1, 3, 10 years
- Augmented Dickey–Fuller test
- Direct and reverse correlation
- Watch list and Portfolio simulator
Expert Mode
- Cointegrated pairs - more than 4,000,000
- Spread history (OLS): 1, 3, 10 years
- Augmented Dickey–Fuller test
- Direct and reverse correlation
- Watch list and Portfolio simulator
If you are a hedge fund or institutional investor looking for a tailor-made solution, please contact us
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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content.
Pairs trading strategy is a market neutral strategy that involves the following two steps. The first...